February Post
The blizzards of December and January made these months seem actually to speed by. It gave me a reprieve from the world and more time for drawing. The storms kept me from the appoinments scheduled. Scheduled and rescheduled: appointments with my doctors, my Apple store for mentoring sessions, my senior men's meetings at the the Senior Center.
You see here pages that are sequential. Drawing from one side of the page (the right hand page) is colored. I use markers which bleed through the paper. When I turn the pages, verso side shows on the left page what you see which I use and add pen lines to obtain another drawing.
On the right facing page, the drawing I make continues my continuing this motif. The drawing is a dyptych like accompaniment. Same motif and colored to match with the one on the left.
The motifs explore patterns I make by drawing a closed loop and pairing it with what will become another closed looping line that zigas and zags with the one I had started out with.
The motifs explore patterns I make by drawing a closed loop and pairing it with what will become another closed looping line that zigas and zags with the one I had started out with.
Working in color helps me to map the shapes. I do not know, till I use color what's is 'wrong' or 'right' with it. Or if it I omitted something. Geometric yes, but how algorithmic?
Whe I imagine I'd succeeded, I say ah, yes, I've made a 'Theorem'. That is to say, The drawing not merely demonstrates, but validates that something metaphyiscal and topological exists!
This last drawing needs no colors. It is simply readable without it. It is a two color theorem. The zigzag at the intersects (terminals) make a kind of swastika.
This last drawing needs no colors. It is simply readable without it. It is a two color theorem. The zigzag at the intersects (terminals) make a kind of swastika.
Such configurations were find in very ancient times in the decorative arts of Islam.