Picture Space, Geometry, Drawing....
These dated drawings were made in 2006. They were 'free-hand', playful and 'these are just for the heck of it' pen drawings that were not about any kind of polemic or ciphers to be read as tea leaves. They were not 'departures' but 'returns', goings back to my years of being an artist making his daily bread teaching.
These are made in a black store bought drawing book. About 5 and a half inches by 8 wide. Below is the same as UMAX scanned into my Mac G4. On the facing page is another drawing, a closed looping line of changing directions and more easily perceived semblance of a grid - a triangle grid where 3 lines from 3 directions cross at the vertices.
In the December of the prior year the above drawing popped up apropos of nothing in particular. I penciled in a kind of square (not triangle) grid. Or maybe I used the yellow marker to do it. Well, anyway, the pen made the grid into knotted rope or something that behaved as it were knotted or weaving over and under in this closed looping way.